02 agosto, 2005

Malos rollos

No os voy a comentar nada del aneurisma cerebral sufrido por Neil, ni de la muerte de su padre. Estas cosas tienen mal rollo. Se me pone los pelos de puntas... pasaron... y lo mejor es pasar página.

Aquí tenéis un mensaje de Neil, sacado de www.neilyoung.com a propósito de su enfermedad:

Dear friends:

I just want to thank you for all the messages of love, support and faith that you have sent my way in the time after my intervention procedure and recovery. It has meant a lot to me to receive such support, not only from my wife Pegi, family, friends and business acquaintances, fellow musicians, music and filmmakers and artists, but also from the people who have enjoyed my work over the years. Your prayers and support have been a great source of strength to both Pegi and I, and our whole family during this time.

I especially want to thank my Canadian friends at the Juno awards in Winnipeg. I am truly sorry to not have appeared at that celebration of Canadian music held in my hometown of Winnipeg, Manitoba. Thanks to K.D. Lang for her moving performance of my song "Helpless" at the awards ceremony on my behalf. The whole show made me proud to be a Canadian and be part of Canadian music. Thanks to our friends at the Canadian Consulate in New York for inviting us to view the telecast.

I am happy to tell you that the intervention was a complete success and our deepest gratitude goes out to all the fine doctors and medical professionals at New York Presbyterian Hospital for their efforts.

Above all, I thank the Great Spirit.

May Peace be with you.
Neil Young

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