20 septiembre, 2007

Una foto de Neil Young

Bonita fotografía la que ha captado Rick Edwars, un fotógrafo de New York. Un magnífico retrato del Tío Neil que merecía figurar en la portada de cualquiera de sus nuevos discos y que fue tomada en el concierto de Pegi, mientras la acompañaba al sitar.
Rick Edwars tiene una página web: http://www.rickedwardsnyc.com, donde puedes ver algunos de sus otros trabajos.

I have been a photographer working in Manhattan since 1999. Born and raised in the Pacific Northwest, photography has always been a part of my life. From the late 1960's until the mid 1980's I played bass guitar in numerous rock and roll bands, mostly working in Portland, Oregon. I worked in recording studios for 10 years and toured with Johnny and the Distractions and blues great Albert Collins.

In the 1980's I left the music business and started a career in the National Park Service. It was there that I planted the seed for my new life, photography. Within a few years a good part of my job as a Park Ranger included photography.

In 1999 after a few vacations to NYC I decided this was to be my home and photography was to be my life. In 2000 I started a 5 year project at the American Museum of Natural History. I shot thousands of digital images of the dinosaur fossil collection using a Mamiya RZ 67 camera body with a PhaseOne H25 digital back. I also used Canon digital systems. Most of the thousands of images shot can be viewed at paleo.amnh.org/. I have been shooting digital for over 7 years.

Another part of my work includes music photography. I am the photographer for Morrison Hotel Gallery in SOHO, NYC and have been documenting some of rock and roll's greatest photographers including, Henry Diltz, Jim Marshall, Bob Gruen, Mick Rock, Elliot Landy, David Gahr, Danny Clinch, just to name a few.

My client list includes:

-Kings of Leon
-Rock and Roll Hall of Fame
-U.S. National Park Service
-American Museum of Natural History
-Mayor's Alliance for New York City's Animals
-Ringo Starr
-KOCH Records
-The Buzzcocks
-EF/PR Elizabeth Freund
-Morrison Hotel Gallery
-Photo District News
-American Indian Art Magazine
-U.S. Department of the Interior
-Jerry Garcia Estate
-Hall Train Studios
-Steven Spielberg/Dreamworks
-Rational Animal

I can be reached at


1 comentario:

Soldado Jorge dijo...

se queda calvo, que desgracia, le rejuvenecía bastante el pelo hacia adelante y cubriendo las orejas, que agarre ya a Crazy Horse y vuelva a explotar y retrocder en el tiempo!