Hi folks!
This is a special birthday present for one of my best friends ever,Holger65!
Thanks for all the great moments in the past and I'm looking forward to see you in Leipzig again!!!
Have a nice day!
Greetings to your brother melaniemingo>schrotti!!!
Here another one from the European Chrome Dreams Continental Tour:
Neil Young
Rai Theater, Amsterdam/THe Netherlands
20.February 2008
From Hank To Hendrix (1:58.04)
Ambulance Blues (2:08.40)
A Man Needs A Maid (3:35.10)
Try (1:46.03)
Harvest (2:13.39)
Old King (2:39.03)
Don't Let It Bring You Down (2:52.03)
Old Man (3:53.03)
Spirit Road (6:07.03)
Down By The River (12:16.39)
Hey Hey My My (4:06.39)
Oh,Lonesome Me (1:14.39)
The Believer (2:30.39)
No Hidden Path (6:12.09)
Cinnamon Girl (2:35.03)
Rockin'In the Free World (6:29.39)
Length: 1:02.38 h
File Size: 3.32 GB
Filmed By Syroste with an Panasonic DMC-FZ8 Camera from the 35throw
Thanks here to the videotaper for his great work and offering the files!!!
Please notify before you start the torrent that all clips are not complete(see the play times,respect the hard work)!
Data DVD > My HD > Total Video Converter > Demuxing TMPENGEnc 3XP > Wavesplitting CD Wav > MUxing TMPENGEnc 3XP >
TMPGEnc Editor(Fade in and Out the Mpeg Streams) > TMPGEnc DVD Author > Menü and Chapters > DVD > Dime > You
Video Format:PAL MPEG 2 720x576 25 fps (4:3)VBR 9000 kbps
Audio Format:Linear PCM Wave 48000Hz 1536 kb/s,stereo (2/0)
Audio lineage:
Source: Sonic Studios DSM-6S/Low > Sonic Studios PA-6LC3B (Mic Power / Bass Filter (85) > M-Audio Microtrack II (WAV 44.1k/16b)
Transfer: Compact Flash card > PC
Processing: Adobe Audition 1.5 > EQ / Filtering / Applause Correction / Track Splits / Fade In-Out > TLH > Flac
Taper: Wonderful
Jerseyboy Remaster > Sound Forge9 >Parametric Eq (center freq 5.5db notch filter@ 6800hz range for the acoustic set, 7.9db notch@7500hz range for the electric set >Click & Crackle remover 'CLAP KILLER" for eliminating close hand clapping> Wave Hammer> Cd Architech>cdr>eac>flac
Another thanks go to all the tapers and uploaders for sharing here!
Thanks to Tom at Sugar Mountain and GOTR .
Enjoy! Please do not sell or encode to losser formats. Never ever!!!
Share it with your friends.
Transfered,splitted,muxied,authored and uploaded on dimeadozen by schwinn 03/08
Dime a Dozen lo tienes recién salido del horno.
2 comentarios:
me descargo los torrents y nunca incian la descarga.. uso bittorrent acaso debo de usar otro...
este dvd me resulta muy apetecible..
Sí, no es mala idea. Azureus (http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=84122)puede ser una buena alternativa.
De todas formas pon cuidado en abrir el (los) puertos correspondientes en:
1 - Firewal de Windows u otro que tengas.
2 - Antivirus
3 - Router
Muevete por foros especializados con muuuuuucha paciencia. Esa información (o parte de ella) no suele ser fácil de encontrar y tampoco de llevarla a cabo. Suele pasarse canutas hasta que logras afinar el equipo.
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