En el Babelia del pasado 25 de Enero, con motivo de una reseña sobre la presentación en Madrid del libro Estragos de una juventud sónica de Ignacio Juliá, Diego A. Manrique entre otras consideraciones escribe:
"..... A pesar de contar con el patrocinio de Neil Young, chocaron con su equipo técnico cuando se fueron de gira; Kim Gordon lo explica como una muestra del machismo institucional de la aristocracia del rock, incapaz de aceptar a una mujer instrumentista como igual".
A poco que profundizas encuentras múltiples referencias a Neil por parte de algunos de estos sónicos. Como muestra éstas de la pareja Thurston:
"I became aware of Neil on 'Only Love Can Break Your Heart' on AM radio when I was just a kid and it was a beautiful song," Moore told MTV News. "I thought it was one of the most beautiful songs I had ever heard, and I bought the 45 and I used to play it all the time. I remember writing the words down in my school notebook and the B-side of that single was 'Birds,' like a song I always played."
"I remember walking down Canal Street right here... and hearing this music like coming out of a store and it was 'Hey, Hey, My, My' ('Into The Black'), and it was this brutal industrial guitar tone that was just so ripping. I could not believe what it was at the time, and I went in and asked and it was this new Neil Young record, and it was the first time I took someone pre-'76 seriously."
y Kim:
"Punk rock was against the rock star attitude, and we were influenced by the punk era, which had more kind of a do-it-yourself, seize the moment outlook. In the ’70s, youth culture was co-opted and exploited. Rock and roll became associated with corporations. It’s interesting to listen to lyrics from the Laurel Canyon scene of the ’60s. They started out as part of the hippie movement but then when they became successful and started making money."
"Neil Young wrote the song “Out Of My Mind,” about being alienated from culture — “Hear the screams outside the limousines.” But a lot of groups weren’t part of that movement. One tends to think about how cool they were about their success. Certain rock music expressed values that were non-materialistic."
y más explícito en el minuto 1 del vídeo
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Buscando fuentes alternativas a las que indicas y procurando que sean lo más directas, he encontrado lo siguiente:
a) Sonic Youth and Neil Young
b) Comentarios sobre SMELL THE HORSE TOUR, desde la propia web de Sonic Youth. http://www.sonicyouth.com/mustang/cc/91tour1.html
c) El vídeo que según SY aclarará el porqué noche tras noche, SY eran abucheados y acosados hasta que salían del escenario: la clave, según SY, está en el público que asistía a los conciertos.
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