I am working on a new book about Crosby, Stills & Nash, which will have a totally different approach from any other book about them and it will be quite unusual in the "rock music books" league.
Their story will be told through anecdotes, memories, visuals and memorabilia contributed by fans, even including CSN peers and people who've been working with them.
The book will be exclusively focused on their MUSIC and on their artistic endeavors.
No gossips or similar stuff.
It would be great to know from you:
- when was the first time you listened to their music?- when was the first time you saw them in concert?
- what do they / their music mean to you?
- do you have any special memory / anecdote?
- which are your favorite 5 CSN songs?
No need to answer to all of them but you might have some nice stories to tell and it would be great to read them.
Also I am looking for nice unusual pictures and scans / images of memorabilia (tickets, passes, flyers, etc).
I know the scan process would be very time consuming, so you might take some "collective" pictures
of items and I might tell you what I do not have / might need for the book.
Your contribution would be much appreciated.
Thank you!
Francesco Lucarelli es un músico italiano , viejo conocido en esta Playa, que ha tenido el honor de actuar en una ocasión junto a Billy Talbot y otra con los chicos de Crosby, Stills & Nash. Además, una de sus canciones fue seleccionada por Neil Young para su web (¿recuerdas la promoción de Living With War?) llegando a subir hasta el segundo puesto.
Pues bien, Francesco se ha embarcado en la aventura de escribir un libro sobre C,S&N y quiere darle una óptica diferente a todo lo escrito ya. Y para eso te pide ayuda con una pequeña encuesta y con la posibilidad de que aportes alguna foto sobre sus concierto o sobre objetos relacionados que puedan servir para ser incluidos en el libro. Arriba te lo explica él mismo.
Si decides colaborar con el amigo Francesco, éstas son su dirección de correo y su sitio en Facebook.
Para saber más de él, puede visitar su página.
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