02 mayo, 2008


Vaya regalo de información que me acaba de hacer el amigo "Alex" con la ayuda del "Rustie" Félix.

No tenía ni idea de el origen de este disco. Tengo desde el año pasado este LP en mi colección gracias al amigo "PUTXI" (harmónica y teclados en las interpretaciones caseras de Neil Young), lo vió en una tienda de Castelló (Discos Medicinales) y me comentó el disco "raro" que había visto y a un precio de saldo. Inmediatamente le dije que se hiciese con él, aunque por lo que comentaba parecía un fiasco de disco, sólo hay que ver la contraportada, parece un disco de estos de oferta, para guiris y de consumir y tirar. Tipo "Max-Mix 4" o "Disco Explosion".

Pero no. Lo escuchamos y es el After The Gold Rush normal, de Reprise Records, con todos los temas originales, pero chico, la contraportada... es que tira de espaldas!!

Aquí os dejo unas fotos de tal "elemento", que visto el precio que se ha pagado en e-bay...

3 comentarios:

Antonio Casado dijo...

Estos son los principales mensajes que hablan de tu disco:

On the backcover it says it's a German pressing from 1970 but I haven't seem that before. The liner notes are the same as on the original pressing, even the "Steve" Stills is there, the number (RS-6383) is correct, too.

What is different is the part in the lower right corner beginning with TELDEC "Telefunken-Decca". From what I know TELDEC was releasing lots of records and tapes with original recordings but always with "cheaper" covers and for a lower price, usually years after the original release date.

So this recording could be a regular one but as I said I haven't seen any Neil on TELDEC yet (know about Rolling Stones and Ten Years After).

Some more info: TELDEC was founded in the early 50s from Telefunken (Germany) and Decca (GB). It produced lots of promotional records and tapes, also under many different labels. In 1983 Telefunken and Decca left the label, since 1987 it was part of Time-Warner, that became AOL Time Warner in 2001 and closed the label the same year. All what is left is the sound studio in Berlin, now named "Teldex".

Y este:
Another hint is the word "twen" on the front cover. Twen was a magazine that existed from 1959 to 1971. They issued low price editions of "normal" records, usually with different covers than the original one.
Maybe ATGR was released as part of that series.

A bit irritating though is, that twen issued their records mainly in cooperation with Phillips, not with Teldec. Teldec had a collaboration with another magazine "Hör zu".

ivaxavi dijo...

Gracias Antonio, ya intentaré traducirlos con mi inglés de vendimia.

Anónimo dijo...

Pasaba a saludarlo Sr... de puro entrometida :-)

¿Selene y selene? .........

No! Mar

Ya me guardé el sitio en favoritos para recorrerlo a horas decentes.

(Gracias por el corto de la peli)

Un beso!