Artículo aparecido en ADN sobre los supergrupos, las superbandas y las reuniones de amigos, con anécdota biográfica incluida de nuestros amigos CS&N.
2 comentarios:
Hi, I know very little about this blog's purpose. I read very little spanish(Hola que tal?, bamos a la playa, por que no le preguntas tu amiga sueca?) But I understand it's about the Youngest and greatest Neil Young in the world.
Why am I writing this? Do i want something? Hmm.
Well, there's one tiny bootleg, wich seems to be lost in space.
The four songs from Mariposa Folk Festival de 1972/julio/16.
This little thing made me curious. Can't find it on dime.
2 comentarios:
Hi, I know very little about this blog's purpose. I read very little spanish(Hola que tal?, bamos a la playa, por que no le preguntas tu amiga sueca?)
But I understand it's about the Youngest and greatest Neil Young in the world.
Why am I writing this? Do i want something? Hmm.
Well, there's one tiny bootleg, wich seems to be lost in space.
The four songs from Mariposa Folk Festival de 1972/julio/16.
This little thing made me curious.
Can't find it on dime.
Any idea where it is?
Best regards//
Neil Young
Mariposa Folk Festival
Toronto Island, Ontario, Canada
July 16, 1972
audience > ? > analog cassette > DAT > CDR > EAC > FLAC
01 Helpless
02 Harvest
03 Sugar Mountain
04 Heart Of Gold
You know... send me your trade list to
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