10 noviembre, 2010

Comunicado oficial desde el equipo de Neil


There is much speculation about the fire yesterday, mostly based on internet news reports.
Here are some facts:

  1. Despite the damage, most everything of real value survived.
  2. The archives are safe and not there.
  3. Some video and film was onsite and is ok.
  4. Lincvolt was parked over night there and did not fare well in the fire.
  5. No precious guitars were on site.
  6. I foresee a yard sale in our future and imagine that you will hear abut it thru me or other official channels.
  7. Everyone is ok

We thank you for your ongoing support and kind thoughts at this time.

Así que ya podemos estar algo más tranquilo en lo que respecta al material del músico.

4 comentarios:

ivaxavi dijo...

BIEN !!!

Jose dijo...

Me gusta :-)

yourisaforever dijo...

Todo bien salvo por Linkvolt.

Ramonet dijo...

¡Pues me alegro!.(de que sea menos de lo que parecía).