19 noviembre, 2014

Storytone EP

Una vez que Storytone está ya rodando por esos mundos, posible que (si hacemos casos a las noticias que corren por los foros de Neil) en los primeros días de diciembre veamos aparecer un EP de cuatro canciones:
1. Who's Gonna Stand Up? (Solo Versión)
2. Who's Gonna Stand Up? (Versión Orquestal)
3. Who's Gonna Stand Up? (Versión con Crazy Horse)
4. Who's Gonna Stand Up? (Versión con niños)

Si el 1 y el 2 son los que ya hemos escuchado... ¿será éste el Storytone 3 del que nos habló Neil Young hace unos días en su web?
The Storytone records have been a labor of love. Thanks to all of you who have purchased them. These songs were written during a period of profound change in my life. Everything I want to share is there.
First, I recorded the songs at Capitol Records with my old friends Niko Bolas and Al Schmitt. I sang them alone with only the instruments I desired to use. There was no over dubbing or enhancing. The resulting music is from my heart, directly to you.
Then, I entered the hallowed MGM sound stage where "The Wizard of Oz" soundtrack was recorded. Surrounded by the finest musicians in Hollywood, with arrangements and orchestrations by Christ Walden and Michael Bearden, I sang seven of the Storytone songs live for the second time. I sang into Barbara Streisand's microphone, a  perfectly cared-for antique with a wonderful tone that I loved. I also went to Sunset Boulevard to record the remaining three songs with a big band in an old Hollywood studio rebuilt and now known as East West. All the performances are live with no added effects or recording. I just stood singing into the microphone with occasional harmonica notes blown in between verses, while the musician's played. Sometimes there were 92 musicians singing and playing live with me. It was a thrilling experience, both for the freedom of not playing an instrument while I sang, and for the beauty of being in the same room and listening as the music was created. I will never forget it.
The resulting two records are combined into a deluxe two record set. An orchestra only record is also available at limited outlets, mostly so the record is available in large chain stores that dictate what shape art must be in before they sell it, kind of a sign of the times. Back Cover of Mixed Pages of Storytone
This has been a complex experience, and as sometimes is the case, I have had trouble letting go. The solo versions have all the heart and soul, yet the orchestrated versions have the beauty and depth that these songs cried out for. I listened and listened on my Pono, finding the strengths and weaknesses of both versions. Unable to settle, after the record was handed in and finished, I continued working, trying to find balance between the two approaches I had used.
Mixed Pages of Storytone, a new single special release album, is the result of my journey through these songs and feelings, imperfectly capturing the best of both worlds by editing and combining them, with the roughness and friction of the meeting points rubbing together, bonding their soul and beauty.
Neil Young.
Ya veremos, diciembre está cerca.
Yo no sé tú, pero yo me conformo ya con lo que hay. Esperemos que al Tío Neil no se le encienda la bombilla flamenca, porque en ese caso tendremos el Storytone versión trianera.

9 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Mantengo la oferta o trato de hace unos días:
yo me quedo con el acústico y comparto el resto
¿ algún voluntario ?

Pepe dijo...

Neil editando EP como cualquier otro comerciante ???
Lo que nos está cambiando al Tío la amiga Daryl...

Jose dijo...

Yo más bien diría que nos quiere sacar pelas de cualquier forma posible. ¿Ha quebrado otra vez Lionel Trains o ha pasado algo parecido?

Jose dijo...
Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
Jose dijo...

Lionel trains: http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lionel,_LLC

Paco dijo...

Los divorcios son muy caros.

Antonio Casado dijo...

Yo ya lo tengo pero en mp3. Tanto rajar del tema y luego la propia casa discográfica es la que los hace.
Me lo he descargado de la Warner al comprar el disco. Si alguien quiere escucharlo...

ivaxavi dijo...

Of course!!

Jose dijo...

Of course yo también :-) Y dejemos de culpar de todo al divorcio y a Daryl Hannah, Neil lleva sacándonos las pelas mucho antes.